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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi & Gurgaon.



On 23rd and 24th July, five students from MYP 3 participated in the Online Interaction/Collaborative project hosted by Mody School with Round Square School Students on Sustainable Development Goals focused on Environment. The two-day event comprised of Baraza sessions, hands on activities and keynote speakers which helped students understand the SDGs in detail and gave them ideas as to how they can work towards the environment back in their own lives.

Session 1: Building Sustainable Ecosystems for Humans by Saving the Birds:

This session started off with everyone introducing themselves, followed by a mesmerizing singing performance by a student. The session focused on ‘creating awareness of our actions on the environment and the birds.’ The session was linked with the 15th SDG Goal: Life on Land.

The students got to know captivating facts about birds through an ice breaker activity conducted by Mr. Nipun Kaushik. After the ice breaker activity, students were shown a video of the first keynote speaker, Mr Rakesh Khatri, to know more about him and his astounding work towards society to bring a change. He is known to be ‘The Nest Man of India’, with a passion to work on environmental conservation. He has conceived and successfully implemented more than 20 projects on Sparrow Conservation, Water Conservation, E-waste Management, etc.

The second keynote speaker for this session was Mr Vipul Sharma, an IITian and a specialist in Development & Sustainability issues, who has dedicatedly been working for the past 12 years primarily with corporates and promoting sustainable corporate practices for restoration of biodiversity and sustainable life.

Later in the baraza sessions, students discussed what biodiversity is and why it is important to restore it, in addition to climate change and its effects on Earth. They came up with ideas to create birdhouses or artificial Nests from recycled products. Lastly, they discussed potential solutions to combat the situation. The purpose of this session was to make students aware of their surroundings and inspire them to become leaders of conserving biodiversity to ensure sustainable living.

Session 2: E-waste Management

This session started off with an explicit discussion on E-waste, and how humans are adding to the problem as well. Mr. Nipun Kaushik was the keynote speaker for this session. He is a lawyer by profession, and an environmentalist by heart. It is his absolute passion to translate his ideas into action by engaging with school and college-going students to provoke them into action.

During this session, all the participants discussed the importance of proper E-waste management to save the environment: plants, animals, and ourselves. After an exchange of views, Mr. Kaushik shared solutions which we can implement to alleviate the problem. Solutions include using the 4 R’s to dispose E-waste, and taking more initiative by installing E-waste dustbins in schools and offices. This session guided the students towards becoming E-waste warriors, responsible citizens, and save Earth from all the hazards of unsuitable disposal.

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