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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On 28th October 2020, two students from MYP 2 were selected to participate in an online Round Square Conference which was hosted by the Cadet College Hasanbdal, Pakistan. The virtual conference was centred around the theme of Environmentalism and Sustainable Economic Development and the focus of the discussions was to come up with solutions to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The one-day event was full of learning, fun and collaboration to bring about a change in the world

The event began with the opening ceremony where Dr Sajith Wijesuriya and Dr Kamran Hussain presided over as the esteemed guests. They discussed the importance of sustainable development and shared their ideas about the world’s dependence on non-renewable sources of energy. The guests encouraged students to come up with solutions, both at personal and community level, to change the world for the better.

This was followed by the first General Discussion Round where delegates from all across the globe shared their ideas and presented their point of views on Sustainable development.

The discussion round was succeeded by an authentic music piece on Pakistan Coke Studio by HA GULO QASAMIR. The students were enraptured by the soulful music and were energised to participate in the next interactive round where the delegates reflected on the ideas that came up during the first round  and collaborated to come up with solutions to the problem of dependence and over use of non-renewable energy sources.

The discussion rounds were followed by the closing ceremony where students were awarded for their participation. Parth Agarwal of Pathways World School was awarded a certificate for his performance and discussions during all three rounds.

Overall, the Round Square was declared closed, the students reflected on their experiences. The conference had surely ignited a new sense of learning and knowledge in all.

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