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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



It was yet another day of explorations, discoveries, and evaluating possibilities and ideas. Our campers are in the process of consolidating newly acquired skills and understandings gained through various sessions.

In printmaking, one group explored modern functional ceramics design by using impressions of natural elements on clay and converting these into functional objects used in everyday contexts. The other group experimented with collagraphy printmaking and learned about the reverse process. They researched and reflected on impressions formed by different elements.

It was a wonderful experience for the facilitator to witness the profound joy and delight expressed by students for being able to visualise their ideas and transform them into functional websites. The experience provided them with a sense of accomplishment and a newfound passion for web development. Our campers continue to delve deeper into advanced HTML concepts to enhance their skills.

The younger group learned to navigate the Wix platform and experiment with different design elements. They carefully curated the content, chose appropriate images and arranged elements on the websites to effectively convey their interest.

During the jazz routine, our energetic dancers composed steps and movements and attempted a short choreography. Our lyricists' thought-aloud ideas for their song and practised tune and rhythm for their performance. In the theatre studio, the campers collaborated on the narrative structure and were introduced to the concept of ‘blocking’.

They are eagerly looking forward to some relaxation and recreation in the pool and movie time in the Auditorium with friends.

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