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Pathways World School Gurgaon

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Hosted online by the Beacon Academy School from Jakarta, the BAMUN took place on the 9th and 10th of October. Centered around the theme of ‘Intellectually Incurious’, more than 300 delegates from about 20 schools from Indonesia, the Middle East, China, and India were divided amongst six United Nations committees to embark on the constructive and thoughtful debate about our world’s major issues.

During the opening ceremony, delegates were introduced to the conference, its committees, and their various chairs. This was followed by a keynote speech from Dr Sofie Kemkhazde, the United Nations Development Program’s Deputy Resident Representative for the country of Indonesia.

This address provided us delegates with an insight into the workings of the actual United Nations, and the implications and impacts of the issues we would proceed to discuss during committee sessions. Dr Kemkhazde’s speech was inspiring as it showed us that even we will have the chance to make a profound impact in our future.

Over two days of committee sessions filled with structured debate and unmoderated lobbying, delegates explored the causes, impacts, and solutions of various global crises, ranging from Afghanistan’s refugee crisis to the Russian annexation of Crimea.

The level of debate was high, and while tensions flared between rival countries, each pushing forward a different stance on the shared agenda, delegates maintained mutual respect and acknowledged each other’s thoughts and ideas.

Some committees capped off their weekend by passing draft resolutions, while others tried to reach a general consensus on the issues that were discussed, but all delegates left this conference with a newfound outlook for the world, and the state that it is in.

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