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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi & Gurgaon.



The Study of Genetics is the study of the very essence of what makes us who we are. And a topic of this level of intrigue warrants a stimulating introduction - exactly what the Grade 11 Biology trip to Genes2Me (MEDICITY, Gurgaon) on the 15th of September, was all about.

This was an interactive trip where slightly perplexed - though fervent - learners posed thought-provoking questions to experts in the field. Techniques such as Quantifying & Qualifying Genetics, Karyotyping, and Polymerized Chain Reactions, key processes in emergent genetic research, were experienced hands-on.

The trip commenced on a late Saturday morning, with enthused students anticipating the learning that was to commence. A short bus ride later, we students, along with our teacher escorts, arrived at the research Centre to be greeted by a welcoming staff. The subsequent introduction session relayed the novelty of the Centre and the many facilities they had to offer.

We students were then split into smaller groups, each paired with an equally enthusiastic teacher. Walking into the laboratory area, the students (and the teachers) made Pathways very proud by knowing exactly how the lab coats and shoe covers were to be worn.

As space was limited, each of the labs with their world-class amenities were crammed with keen Pathwaysians, all of whom tried their best to not touch anything and everything in sight for fear of damaging the delicate equipment. However, with informed guidance, it became much easier to use the tools provided with a sense of comfort and confidence.

One of the most interesting parts of the experience was the sight of chromosomes through the fluorescent microscope. It helped us visualize what we had only seen through diagrams and images. The moment was electrifying: here we were, looking at the real thing and thinking to ourselves, "this nearly invisible molecule is the secret to life A molecule so small can really construct an entire functioning organism"

With these epiphanies circling our consciousnesses, we departed from the institute ready to delve deeper into the unit at hand and aim to one day fully understand the mysterious molecule that we so briefly observed.

The trip concluded with a note of thanks to our gracious hosts for their guidance, and for organising a much-appreciated McDonald's lunch. Overall, it was an enriching experience as we observed what we had only studied in theory, thus developing a more profound and valuable understanding of concepts integral to the science of life.

We extend our sincere gratitude to our biology teacher, Mr. Praveen Mariadas, without whom this trip would not have been possible – as well as Ms. Sheeba Kundu & Ms. Neha Chaudhary who accompanied us. We additionally thank Head of the Science Department Ms. Sangeeta Singh, & Senior School Principal Ms. Manjula Shenoi, for our first Senior School field trip: a truly enlightening opportunity.

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