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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



The Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls’ School held its annual MUN from the 21st to the 23rd of October 2021 called the ‘Gambits of Sagacity’. Seven students from MYP participated in this three-day online event with over 250 delegates from more than twenty schools across India and the Gulf region. The three-day journey was full of learning, debates, discussions to come up with resolutions pertaining to global issues in today’s world. 

 The agendas included heated debates over combating racism and xenophobia, countering the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan, the Arab Spring, conservation of space environment, the evolution and involvement of robots in warfare, analysis of aggressive privatization, and its economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The entire executive board and all the delegates worked together to come up with well-thought-out solutions in relation to the agendas. All committees prospered even with heated arguments between countries, declaring war, controversial crises, and much more.

This opportunity provided the students with a lot of experience and allowed them to work collaboratively with delegates from several countries, take up the portfolio of the country they were allotted, effectively research, and communicate their findings in a diplomatic manner.

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