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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



The MYP Well Being team organized a four-day series of brief conversations with the parents, that aimed at discussing practical strategies and skills that can help in strengthening the parent-child connection.

Understanding that this phase of Pandemic is a challenging time for all, be it students or parents, was the core pillar of strength for these sessions. Keeping this in mind, these sessions offered a platform for the parents to share real-life scenarios with each other and collectively figuring out strategies to guide the children in the right direction. As is evident from the name itself, the session provided parents an avenue to share their concerns ‘transparently’ and work out possible solutions.  

Moreover, the topics for discussion were planned thoughtfully for the four days, taking into consideration the variety of new challenges brought down by pandemic. The intention was to focus on one strategy at a time and motivate parents to consistently work on them. Throughout the session, parents were meaningfully engaged through energizers, activities, rapid-fire questions, giving situations to respond, picking up real-life experiences and having fruitful discussions with practical strategies around them.

It was a delight to see all parents participate enthusiastically, taking time out from their tight schedules for the sessions. Through the feedback shared by the parents, it came across that these conversations were quite fruitful for them.

Topics of TransPARENT Conversations:

1st Day- ‘BE, Do, Tell’ (understanding the importance of being a role model)
2nd Day- ‘Ruminative Responding’ (understanding different types of responses- Empathetic / Advising/Exploring/ Confronting)
3rd Day- ‘Empathetic Expressions’ (How to communicate in an empathetic manner)
4th Day- ‘Strong Voices, Smart Choices

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