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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On the 8th of October 2020, students of the MYP gathered virtually to discuss how to contribute to society in these uncertain times. This Service as Action Assemble aimed at inspiring students to do various acts of service in their surroundings.

Service as Action is a requirement of the IB Middle Years Programme. It is an essential component that allows students to extend their learning beyond the classroom walls and into the community. It allows students to connect and contribute to the real world, and empowers them to become global citizens.

The assembly began with a short clip describing how everyone is connected by their humanitarian nature, and not by Wi-Fi or 4G networks. It is the internal feelings that individuals can bond over. No obstructions or boundaries can limit mankind from being united. According to Middle School Principal, Ms. Monika Bajaj, service is the ability to give back to the society, wherein even the smallest of actions count.

Further, Mr. Saurabh Kakkar (MS Service Coordinator) subsequently emphasized the prominence of serving those in need, the core values of social work include compassionate service to others, fostering dignity for all individuals, social justice and promoting stronger human relationships. He accentuated how everyone, as responsible citizens can take action ahead while being safe and meeting the MYP criteria of learning outcomes.

Keeping safety in mind, students were given ideas for Student-led Service initiatives, especially that ones that can be accomplished even during Covid times.

Engaging in community service provides students with the opportunity to become active members of their community and has a lasting, positive impact on society at large. It also makes a difference to every student’s career prospects. It is a wheel of refining their Approach to Learning Skills (ATL), IB Learner Profiles, as well as the Service Learning Outcomes. In addition, the presentation explained the 7 rudimentary learning outcomes, their viability, and how they can be accomplished.

The assembly culminated with showcasing of previous years’ Service as Action Projects and how to use Wizemen to record entries of their progress and reflection.

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