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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On the 12th of April, 2023, the DP1 students assembled in the AV room to participate in a session to understand more about the role of life coaching and tackling issues in life. The session was hosted by one of Pathways’s very own alumni, Mr. Tushar Chaudhary. The session commenced with an ice-breaker activity to familiarize the students with the speaker, one which helped lighten the mood and spread laughter around the room like a delightful aroma wafting through the air.  

Afterwards, the students learned about Mr. Tushar’s journey- his story as a former Pathwaysian, its impact on his life, as well as his journey as a life coach. The session ensued as the students learned about the role of a life coach- someone who helps overcome challenges in life and grow as a person.  

The presentation continued as Mr. Tushar shared his unique concept of a ‘Cup of Tea’, which displays the relationship between our thoughts, emotions and actions. He also spoke about being restricted by our comfort zone and overcoming obstacles, something the students agreed to in one way or another. Mr. Tushar’s ideas about exploring a journey within truly lit a spark and left many students pondering upon their lifestyles.  

The session concluded as Mr. Tushar presented various thought-provoking questions such as 'Where would you be right now if you didn't overthink?’ and ‘What is one thing you would leave behind to grow as a person?’. All in all, the session was greatly appreciated by the entire batch, and helped the students gain a new perspective on life and tackling challenges. 

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