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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.

Anubhav Wadhwa Back

A 20 year old Entrepreneur, Investor, Speaker, Published Researcher and Social Development Activist

Anubhav Wadhwa (Batch of 2017) is a 20 year old Entrepreneur, Investor, Speaker, Published Researcher and 'Bottom of Pyramid' Sustainable Development Activist. He advocates and works for the cause of protecting the natural environment from various forms of destruction and degradation.

Anubhav has been named the 'Youngest CEO' in India and '20 Under 20' by State Bank of India. He has been invited to speak at the United Nations, several TEDx Events, Startup Conferences and Industry Workshops to name a few.

Anubhav pens regular columns that focus on politics, law and economic policies. Anubhav is currently based in London and is studying Law at City University of London.

From the time I was very young, I have been really passionate about technology and was driven to implement path-breaking ideas. At the age of 13, when I had started to become very uncomfortable sitting in my comfort zone, I launched my first venture TechAPTO and it made it to the top 40 startups in India. Similarly, in 2015, one day, coming back from a regular class, I saw a dozen tyres piled by the side of a road and tyres being burnt which led me to start Tyrelessly, which provides an environmentally compliant End-of-Life Tyre collection and disposal service.

I was invited to give my first talk in March 2016, and even though it wasn't how I wanted it to be, I'd finally discovered the elation of talking and making a difference. I was a shy kid who eschewed walking up on stage, and now I can climb any stage at any given time and speak extempore. I've started to relish speaking and learning to keep the audience engaged the most rewarding experience. Being a speaker amongst distinguished National Award Winners at Conferences and Workshops is an honour that challenges me to do more than what I've already achieved. Speaking in front of audiences has become easier, but it's still a challenge I'm ready to take up every day.

I've been very fortunate to have a lot of support available through my journey. Most importantly, I am grateful for all the challenges that have come at different steps because they've been tremendous learning experiences. After several instances of settling and then finding a way to get back, I've developed several key systems for myself that inspire me to keep going. The book is a compilation of learnings, observations and ideas about a more sustainable world which all of us can adapt to make a difference that leads to much greater impact.

My vision is to help save more lives everywhere, every day - together by spreading the vitality of 'Thinking Different' and build a very unique multi-stakeholder ecosystem. The ecosystem I want to build in the long run would be a solution-based research led environment where game-changing ideas flourish. I've just invested in London School of Research as a first step towards this and over the next couple of years I hope I am able to prove that Profit and Purpose can go hand-in-hand.

I vividly remember a drive I had with my father, it was about 30 kilometers and over an hour long. We arrived at an office on a hill, overlooking a Forest. We were warmly invited inside this brightly lit up room. This was in December 2002, my first introduction to Pathways. When a few months later in April 2003, the doors to Pathways opened, I was one out of the 150 or so new students that had joined, I was the 'youngest student' at the time. Like any other 4-year child, I was scared and being such a long way from home seemed a tremendous challenge but soon, I realised that Pathways was a home away from home and this is only grew stronger in my 14 years at Pathways.

It's such a privilege to study Law at City Law School in London which is truly steeped in history tracing back to alumni like Mahatma Gandhi and I can say with immense confidence that I owe it all to the Board, Teachers and everyone I was fortunate to meet at Pathways. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude for stupendous and world-class mentoring throughout my journey at Pathways.

I strongly believe that the biggest differentiator for us Millennials is self-motivation, self-direction, and follow-through. We as a generation are different in every possible way and even as individuals. Each of us bring something different for the global community. There are several challenges lying ahead for all of us as individuals and together as humanity, but I assure you after everything you will learn over the years at Pathways, you will be able to rise up to these challenges!